Oscillator circuits


Board MCM6/EV studies oscillating circuits, monostable, bistable and astable multivibrators. It is part of the Interactive Practical Electronics System IPES and works in both standard mode (using switches and consulting the handbook) or computerized mode. In this last case, the software version of the handbook inserts automatically circuit variations and faults, enabling the development of lessons even without teacher’s assistance. Pre-assembled electronic components divided into circuit blocks can be interconnected and modified by means of jumpers and connection cables. 

Training program

  • RC and Wien bridge oscillators: RC or offset oscillator, resistance collector variation
  • Colpitts oscillator: frequency oscillator according to L and C and to the supply voltage
  • Hartley oscillator
  • Meissner oscillator
  • Crystal oscillator: frequency stability, equivalent crystal circuit, JBT crystal oscillator, voltage variation
  • Astable multivibrators
  • Monostable multivibrators: control circuit, square wave input functioning, synchronisation frequency, output pulse duration
  • Bistable multivibrators: control circuit and propagation duration, frequency splitter, maximum commutation frequency
  • Schmitt trigger: parameters determination, output voltages, VTH and VTL voltages, circuit feedback with triangular and sine waves, commutation speed

Technical specifications
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