Sequential and combinational logic


Board MCM8/EV enables the study of digital circuits, starting from basic logic and progressing through to sequential and combinational logic networks. It is part of the Interactive Practical Electronics System IPES and works in both standard mode (using switches and consulting the handbook) or computerized mode. In this last case, the software version of the handbook inserts automatically circuit variations and faults, enabling the development of lessons even without teacher’s assistance. Pre-assembled electronic components divided into circuit blocks can be interconnected and modified by means of jumpers and connection cables. 

Training program

  • Logic families – typical parameters: voltage characteristic, current, dissipated power from a logic device, input load (FAN-IN), output load (FAN-OUT), noise margin, transition and propagation time
  • TTL logic family: electrical characteristic, status ON/OFF, commutation, subfamily ECL
  • CMOS logic family: complementary output status, CMOS, HC and HCT series
  • TTL-CMOS and CMOS-TTL interface
  • Boolean algebra: class, logic statement, postulate and theorems, logic functions;
  • Combinational logic circuits: function minimization, Karnaugh map
  • Flip-Flops, sequential circuits: flip-flop (latch)R-S, flip-flop with clock R¬S, flip-flop J-K, flip-flop Master-Slave J-K, flip flop D, flip-flop T, clock generator with logic ports
  • Shift registers: integrated circuit SN 74LS95
  • Encoders and decoders: decimal encoder/decoder BCD
  • Display driver and 7-segment display BCD, LED visualization
  • Adders, comparators and BCD selectors: binary adder, cascade connection for adders, 1-4 bit comparator, BCD pre-selector

Technical specifications
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